An 8-Week Online Course For Women... Reset Your Hormones, Ignite Your Metabolism, Boost Your Confidence, and MORE!

Get The Scoop On The Most Misdiagnosed & Misunderstood Areas of Women's Health! 

Stop dieting!

Stop comparing yourself to those before-and-after photos on social media!

Stop trying programs that don't consider what's going on with YOUR body!

And most importantly STOP blaming yourself... because it's not your fault.

Most of what the diet industry, conventional doctors and health organizations are telling us is misleading or wrong!

My name is Kelsey Matheson, and I created the Academy to support women who want to take control of their health in a way that makes sense for THEIR BODIES!

This 8-week online program was created to support women who are frustrated and tired of trying health programs and diets that just don't work!

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to your health.

The fact that you're reading this tells me a few things about you...

âś… You want to be healthy, happy & confident! 

âś… You're tired of not knowing where to turn for help, or sick of trying EVERYTHING but nothing is really working...not the way you need. 

âś… You've had enough of feeling frustrated and lost when it comes to your health, hormone balance, struggles with weight, food, & mindset!

âś… And lastly, it tells me that you realize the power of community and accountability. You know you can't continue to go at this alone.

It's common for women who want to change their lives to feel isolated and alone.

They feel that the programs out there don't address their individual needs. Many of my clients feel their own Doctors aren't supporting them in the way they need.

My own journey to getting my health back on track took many years and tens of thousands of dollars.

I paid expensive experts, had hundreds of consultations, tried many programs, and supplements, and diets, and exercise regimes...

And let me tell you - that trial and error and frustration is awful!

That is exactly why I decided to take EVERYTHING I learned on my journey (and continue to learn), partner with the practitioners that actually helped me get my life back, and create an 8-week online and interactive course and accountability system that helps women like YOU get the most out of life - regardless of your current situation.

It's called...

The Optimal Health & Conscious Living Academy


Take Action and Learn More Now!

What You Can Expect

In the video below, I share my story and why I wanted to create a safe space for women to transform their lives in a way that works for THEM. Everyone's journey to optimal health and conscious living is unique to that individual...there is NO one-size-fits-all.


"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know that the underlying issues I'm experiencing were all addressed in these videos. Seriously, Kelsey, you're incredible for creating this. The format of this course is stunning, inviting, digestible and ultimately massively life enhancing because the material actually gets through to people like me! "

Academy Student

My own path to getting my health and mindset back on track took years and thousands of dollars. I have taken everything I learned and packed it into a dynamic training program.

It's a system for living your best life NOW!

Each component incorporates many of the respected doctors and specialists that I have personally worked with to achieve sustainable results... so you can too!

Week One: Set Yourself Up for Success! You will set your goals and intentions for the course, talk about your blocks, and get into an optimal mindset for the weeks ahead.

Week Two:  Get to know your hormones! With the help of health professionals, you will understand how thyroid dysfunction, estrogen dominance and adrenal fatigue might be keeping you down.

Week Three:  Food & You. Food sensitivities and intolerances range from mild to MASSIVELY impacting your health! We take a close look to see what foods might be tormenting you, and how to take care of your gut.

Week Four:  Body Boot Camp! Need I say more? This week is all about getting your fitness on. Academy fitness pro MJ Shaw leads high us through workouts that will work for YOUR body.  

Week Five:  Sexual Health, Body Image & Libido. OH BOY! This is everyone's favourite week of the course. Get ready to get under the sheets and get honest about the relationship you have with yourself.

Week Six:  Good Bye Stress! Meditation, more oxygen and conscious breathing are the name of the game this week. Whether you've meditated before or not, you'll love the meditation workshop with Anna Hardwick.

Week Seven:  Sleep More. You'll get into an optimal sleep routine and learn SO MUCH about what is causing your lack of zzz's! Including the power of unplugging and digital detoxing.

Week Eight:  Grace & Gratitude. The course wraps up with a whole lot of gratitude! You'll also learn how to continue to incorporate everything you've learned, stay accountable, and stick to your goals.


You'll also receive LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with Respected Health Practitioners Experts, 1:1 coaching calls with Kelsey, and access to the private facebook group for Academy Members only.

Start Your Transformation Today!

Did you know that...

  • Stress and lack of sleep could be causing your body to hold on to between 5 and 15 pounds of extra weight? 
  • It was possible to do an 8-minute workout that's more effective than an hour on the elliptical? 
  • Most of us don't breathe properly and some of you may be holding onto extra pounds because of it!? 
  • An acid-forming diet will speed up the aging process? 

You will gain so many more INSIGHTS and SOLUTIONS from myself, as well as from experts who have appeared on The Dr. Oz Show, In Shape Magazine, Women's Health, ABC & Cosmo.

"I feel so much better! I found this program so thorough and so wonderful. Talk about fantastic value - Kelsey is a master coach and has brought all her own experience and research to bear in this program. Happy to say that I lost 10 pounds!"

Academy Student

The Academy is ideal for you if...

  • You suffer from low-energy and find yourself constantly exhausted, no matter how much sleep you get.
  • You just can't lose that extra weight... despite following every diet, nutrition plan, and workout program under the sun.
  • Your family doctor is no help and seems only interested in prescribing medications instead of investigating what's really going on.
  • You know something is up with your hormones but you're confused about what to do.
  • You suffer from brain fog, and find difficult to navigate everything you have going on in your life.
  • You suffer from low sex-drive, and it's having a negative impact on your relationships.
  • You're plagued with seemingly random health issues like migraine headaches, skin irritations or IBS.
  • You're shouting... ALL OF THE ABOVE!

In other words, the Optimal Health & Conscious Living Academy is designed to empower and educate you in ALL areas of your life.

By registering for the Academy you will get...

  • Expert insight into the most misdiagnosed and ignored health issues for women aged 30 – 60
  • Practical solutions that will allow you to take charge of your health
  • Weekly coaching with Kelsey
  • New content every week, including videos and worksheets
  • In-depth interviews with health and wellness experts
  • Fitness videos and guided meditations
  • A private Facebook community of Wellness Warriors

Claim Your Spot Now!

"I started the course not knowing exactly what I was looking for, but I knew I needed to change what I was doing. My routine, food, emotions, health... I was not satisfied with my overall health and where my body was at. I work a lot, have a family, sometimes I don't have time to eat, or spend time for myself to get proper care and rest. The course is not only giving me answers, but tools to improve my daily routine. Easy and expert-guided routines that are incredible! Things that I would have never discovered on my own."

Academy Student

Valued at over $20,000

All of the videos, coaching, access to Experts, and the hours of information and trainings is valued at over $20,000. But YOU PAY A FRACTION OF THAT COST - a small investment for massive benefits!

Your Community Is Waiting

Throughout the course, you will be part of a supportive and motivated community of Wellness Warriors. Connect, ask questions and get inspired!


I will be happy to answer! Send your query via email to [email protected]


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