Use your Word of The Year for this goal-setting strategy to GROW your biz!

AreĀ you a passionate entrepreneur, seeking to elevate your business and income in a way that truly resonates with you?Ā 

Learn the 5 simple stepsĀ to achieving your business goalsĀ in thisĀ FREEĀ video trainingĀ using your Word of the Year.

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If you're feeling overwhelmed by all the things as you grow your business... Discover how your Word of the Year can help bring clarity to your vision.


How do you ensure you're setting effective goals that will move the needle on your business?

How can your guarantee you'll stay focused and on track?Ā 


Most people fail to achieve their goals because:

  • They're not specific enough
  • They don't prioritize them
  • They don't revisit them OFTEN
  • They don't know their WHY
  • They don't integrate the power of having a Word For The Year


This 5-step strategy incorporates all of the above - PLUS A SPECIAL VIDEO TRAINING!

Embrace your chosen Word of the Year with this unique goal-setting approach, laying a solid foundation for achievement and growth. This training isn't just about setting goals... It's about weaving your word into the vision you have for your business, ensuring a year full of progress, direction, and growth!

What if building your wellness business could be simplified?

You have the ability to master the process of attractingĀ more clients so you can make more money.



  • 5 easy steps to not only setting your goals... but ACHIEVING them.
  • How to incorporate the energy & essence of using a word of the year to FUEL your goals.
  • To get specific on exactly what you want to create for yourself and WHY!
  • To create direction for yourself AFTER you've created the vision.
  • How all of this sets you up to make consistent and predictable income.
Get The Training

It's time to get unstuck!

I'm Kelsey Matheson andĀ I've been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. I've built 7-figure business and I've built businesses that were total flops... and everything in between.

Now I help other female wellness entrepreneurs grow their businesses, serve more people, and make more money!

I've learned what works... I've learned what doesn't... and I started my coaching business to help more women become UNSTOPPABLE entrepreneurs.Ā 

I want to teach you this fun & simple strategy of creating your goals by infusing your word for the year, so that YOU can achieve more by the end of this year than you ever have before.

So that you gain clarity on exactly what you want and HOW to get there.

So that you enhance ALL areas of your life - not only your business.

What has gotten you here, won't get you there... let's look at the next year from a completely NEW perspective.


It's time to go from "It's not possible" to "I'MĀ UNSTOPPABLE!"

Gain instant access to this simple strategy and training to make this year the most productive and ABUNDANT that you and your business have ever had!

Get The Free Training