A Business Mastermind for women that will get you RESULTS.

It's time to serve more people, and make more money... authentically!

Let's Get Started!

This Mastermind is for Yoga Teachers... Life Coaches... Fitness & Health Professionals... who want to become UNSTOPPABLE Entrepreneurs!

Business Masterminds typically cost THOUSANDS of dollars per month! (not this one) 

Learn from Kelsey Matheson, who's been building 7-figure wellness businesses for over 20 years. This is your opportunity to:

✅ Gain valuable business knowledge, guidance & insight from Kelsey and other wellness entrepreneurs... 

✅ Build your network of people who can help your business grow and thrive...

✅ Receive support, accountability and encouragement as you navigate ALL the challenges we face as women entrepreneurs!

I'm Kelsey Matheson, the co-founder & owner of businesses like Anamaya Resort & BE Outfitter.

I’ve helped hundreds of women learn how to feel more confident as they grow their businesses, and make more money doing what they love.

I started 20 years ago when there weren't many female role models.

Marketing and sales tactics were very masculine, and they didn't sit well with me - so I built my businesses my own way!

I learned how to deal with self doubt... stay true to how I wanted to serve my audience... and grow businesses I'm incredibly passionate about. 

I'm here to help YOU streamline the growth of your business and become UNSTOPPABLE as an entrepreneur. 

It's time to stop...

  •  FEELING FRUSTRATED as you try to navigate the never ending & contradictory advice from all the "experts".
  •  CONSUMING ALL THE PROGRAMS... ALL the freebies... ALL the challenges... ALL the courses hoping to find the perfect solution but nothing seems to shift.
  •  FEELING CONFUSED and second guessing yourself, your niche, offers, marketing decisions, or next steps.
  •  EFFORTING and working too much IN your business instead of ON your business, and feeling like nothing is working.

There's no better place to accelerate your growth than this Mastermind.

What I've found working directly with Wellness Entrepreneurs is that their area of genius is in the services they offer and the value they provide... but that building a business does NOT come naturally.


That's where this Mastermind comes in... 


The focus is supporting business owners in the Health & Wellness space that have unique needs. Needs that most business coaches don't understand... But the community within this mastermind GETS IT!


It's time for REAL RESULTS!  


Guess what... You don’t have to be salesy, tech savvy, or burn yourself out to grow your wellness business. 

After building several 7-figure businesses, I've shifted gears to focus on supporting other female entrepreneurs to help them with Marketing - Sales - Mindset - Lead Generation - Content Creation and more.

As the co-founder of Anamaya Resort in Costa Rica (a Forbes Top 10), I know what it takes to succeed in today’s business climate... especially as a woman. I'm not only an entrepreneur, but a certified professional Life & Business Coach as well.

You don’t have to burn yourself out or get stuck in overwhelm in order to sign more clients.

Growing your business is not as complicated as you think.

In the Wellness Entrepreneur Mastermind Program I walk you through everything you need to know so you can cut out everything that is NOT serving you or your business, and actually ENJOY the process.



We'll look at where your business is now, and where you want to take it. We'll get clear on what has gotten you this far, and dig deep into your limiting beliefs that are holding you back so you can move forward.


We'll examine the relationship you have with yourself, your clients, your business, and with MONEY. We'll also identify areas of your business needs some serious TLC - and give you action steps that are easy to implement.


I give you access to the MAIN TOOL that has helped me build multiple 7-figure businesses. We'll create very specific and personalized goals for your business... and dive deep into the action steps that makes sense for YOU.

Join The Mastermind TODAY!


"During one of our mastermind sessions I got the boost that I needed to work through the mind drama, and build the momentum to take intentional action - which lead to a SOLD OUT RETREAT! At the beginning of the training I was considering cancelling the retreat altogether... I'm so glad I didn't!"

- Kuntal, Yoga Teacher & Retreat Leader

Break out of old patterns and focus on what you need to grow authentically! 

In the Wellness Entrepreneur Mastermind we’ll simplify the growth process by...

✔️Getting clear on HOW to get you where you want to go

✔️Establish a plan and the ACTIONS to reach your goals

✔️Implement my proven tools, strategies and techniques to growing your business

✔️Uncover the unintentional mind drama that is keeping you STUCK

This coaching program is designed to help you stay focused... motivated... and accountable so you don’t get distracted by shiny object syndrome (or your limiting beliefs).

Week after week we'll take a close look at where you are, and where you want to go.

We'll look at the RESULTS you want to create for your business, the doubt demons that are trying to stop you, and the aligned strategies to get there.

Now is the time, that building your business stops being hard...

And making money starts being easy!

Wellness Entrepreneurs are not interested in pushy marketing tactics or icky sales strategies.

Your drive is connected to serving the world. You’re a trained yoga teacher, life coach, integrative doctor, fitness expert, or healer - so building a business may not come naturally to you.

And that’s OK!

The Mastermind for Wellness Entrepreneurs is a weekly LIVE group coaching program that is designed to help you build the skills necessary to confidently and successfully grow your business.

Each week of coaching is specifically designed to address the foundational skills that are ESSENTIAL to being a successful entrepreneur. These skills will make you more effective at growing your audience, positioning yourself as an expert, and making you MORE MONEY.

If You're Ready To Shift From "It's Not Possible"  To  "I'm Unstoppable" Today Is The Day!



"Kelsey's Mastermind influenced & held me accountable for saying 'YES, I'm going to take my business to the next level!"

Since working with Kelsey, I created an online course, launched a deep dive mentorship program, and sold out a retreat at her facility, Anamaya Resort. Kelsey supported any personal blocks I had around success & self-sabotaging, and helped me understand where those limiting beliefs stem from and gave me the tools to over come these thoughts, in order to gain the confidence I needed to break through and create results in my business as a health & wellness facilitator."

- Tammy, Aerialist & Retreat Leader

Let's Make This The Year You Become Unstoppable!

Don’t let thoughts about being pressured to do what others are doing, or needing to have a beautifully curated Instagram account, or having to have a perfectly defined niche stop you.

When you sign up for the Mastermind group coaching program, together we’ll simplify your growth process so it feels authentic and fun.

As a group we’ll work on:

  • Getting a bird's eye view of your business - we don't know how to get you to where you want to go if we don't know where you are. AND we'll manage the limiting beliefs that are stopping you from moving forward.

  • Generating self-confidence so you believe in your abilities to make more money and become an unstoppable entrepreneur.

  • Marketing and Sales Strategies. Social media best practices. Converting more clients. Building your audience. Streamlining or implementing a lead generation system. ALL the practical stuff to building a successful business that can feel overwhelming. 

  • Evaluating your work, answering your questions, and providing you with feedback to hold you accountable to keep you motivated. We'll help you stay on track to achieve the results you want, and offer guidance on when to pivot if it's not working.

  • Working smarter - not harder to alleviate the overwhelm, and make clear decisions on what to eliminate from your plate completely so you work more effectively.

Get Ready For Your Business to Transform.

Allow me to be your personal mentor and thought partner as we work every week to get you and your wellness business UNSTUCK - and get you on the path to making consistent monthly income.

Coaching with me is very different - I know you work hard, I know you feel you should be further along than you are, and I know you're ready for more! 

I will help you succeed.


"Kelsey is a wealth of knowledge! Every time we meet, it blows me away at all the things she knows about running a business and marketing one. My favorite part is that she really truly cares about me and my business. In the past I have hated running my own businesses because I always felt like I was doing it alone but now I feel like I have my own support team. I can tell that Kelsey loves what she does because when I talk to her, she lights up and gets just as excited as I am about my business. She keeps me motivated and moving even when I drag my feet. She coaches me through my doubts and fears that hold me back and she reminds me that I have so much value to give to the world. Kelsey is priceless and I know that having her on my side makes me unstoppable."

- Lindsay, Relationship Coach


Are you a:

  •  Life Coach
  •  Yoga Teacher
  •  Integrative Doctor
  •  Health & Fitness Expert
  • Retreat Leader
  • Body Worker or Healer

These are just some examples, but essentially a Wellness Entrepreneur owns and runs a business that is helping to improve the overall health or wellness of their clients in some capacity.

If the focus of your business is to offer health and wellness solutions then, like me, you are a Wellness Entrepreneur.

What I've found is Wellness Entrepreneurs are AMAZING at what they do... but building a business doesn't come naturally.

That's where the Wellness Entrepreneur Mastermind comes in... To support business owners that have unique needs. Needs that most business experts don't understand.

It's time for MASSIVE ACTION!  


Bonus Trainings, Coaching & Exclusive Access

By signing up to the Wellness Entrepreneur Mastermind, not only will you receive group coaching sessions every Wednesday, you'll also have access to:

★ My entire Members-Only Portal that's loaded with even more trainings & resources.  

★ Access to the private  Mastermind for Wellness Entrepreneurs Facebook group which has proven to be a GOLD MINE of support, networking, and ideas for members.

★ Access to the past  Several Years of Trainings, Guest Speaker Workshops, and Resources on everything related to starting, growing or scaling your business.

★ Access to a special Friday F.A.A.M. meeting, every week for additional support and accountability.

The Mastermind for Wellness Entrepreneurs is all about community and keeping each other motivated.

👇 Watch the video below to hear from one of the members! đŸ‘‡


Are you ready to FINALLY make consistent income through your wellness business?



★  LIVE weekly group coaching with Kelsey Matheson

★  Access to the Mastermind's private Facebook Group community 

★  Access to all the past trainings, workshops, and materials - we"re talking YEARS  worth of resources

★  Access to Friday Office Hours for additional support and accountability

BONUS: Unlimited access to Kelsey's Members-Only Portal with more trainings, challenges, tools, and more - ALL related to building your business!

ONLY $157/month